Facial and Peels


What Is a Professional Peel?|
An active solution is applied to the skin to acclerate the skin's natural exfoliation in a controlled way, so that new skin can grown in place.
What Are Peels For?
Professional peels can be applied to the face, neck, decollete, hands and other body parts. They are treatment options for:
Reduce acne lesions
Treat mild and moderate acne
Pigmentation disorders
Reduce pigmented keratosis
Treat lentigines (solar/senile)
Treat actinic keratosis
Prevent pre-cancerous lesions
Improve keratosis pilaris skin conditions
Skin ageing / elastosis
Renew cell generation
Boost the synthesis of collagen and elastin
Choosing The Right Peel:
Complete Skincare Clinic will help you choose the most suitable peel treatment based on:
The skin indication to treat
The kind of results you would like to achieve
The downtime and post-treatment care you are willing to accept
Your skin type and phototype
The types of Peels:
Superficial peels
Your skin is cleansed with the active cleanser which is left on for a few minutes. The peel is applied and you feel a tingling sensation while it is on your skin. The peel is neutralised with water and a moisturising cream is then applied.
Medium peels
The technique used for a medium peel is similar to that of a superficial peel, but the peel may be left on for a longer period of time or more layers may be applied to the skin.
To achieve optimal results a it is recommended to discuss with Complete Skincare Clinic the number of peels required and the timeframe between each session.
At Complete Skincare Clinic we use Dermaceutic brand of peel kits, they are the experts in aesthetic dermatology. Born from a collboration between French dermatologist, Dermaceutic is now the number one peel brand in France.
Before and After results which are achieved
Please contact Complete Skincare Care to further discuss the range and suitability of Facial Peel Treatments which are provided.